Soon humanity will start the first planetary colonization. Before industries get set up in this new home all products will have to be imported from earth. This will be a drastic change in the way we look at the production: transportation will represent most of the cost. Estimations are yet around 5000$ per kilogram(REF) with a limited storage volume. The Mars Chair is made for a cost and space optimization. Carbon fiber is usually an expensive material, however, in this context, its ratio between weight and strength will make it a cheap alternative to most furniture’s materials. Even by adopting the Earth furniture’s regulations to Mars gravity this chair weights only 500g. It can be stacked every centimeter meanwhile supporting the weight of a sumō wrestler on Mars. This approach allows savings of 7000$ per Mars Chair as well as 75% of the packed volume compared to an average stackable chair. This product is a small step closer to Mars, but aim to set up the ground base of a way of thinking about the production implication of the early stage of space colonization. material: carbon fiber MarsChair June 2017 Publications: AD Design Indaba Dezeen Frame Euronews Futurism Mashable NBC News Yanko Design Innovaspace Audi éc a l